Comedian and HBO host Bill Maher stunned the entire panel of “The View” when he made some comments they were not used to hearing.

Maher appeared on Tuesday’s broadcast of the show to discuss a host of events, including the coming election and the Israel-Hamas war. The comedian added that the wokeness on the left is driving many moderate voters to former President Donald Trump.

Co-host Sunny Hostin took exception to Maher’s use of the term “Woke” to describe the left’s anti-Semitism.

“I just — the term ‘woke’ has been, in my view, co-opted by the Right and weaponized and bastardized,” Hostin said. “So I was surprised to hear you use the term because historically, as you know, because I think you’re quite brilliant, that woke is a word used by the black community to note that we must be aware of social injustices — why is that a bad thing?”

Maher pushed back at Hostin’s assertion, noting that the term woke has taken a whole different meaning.

“Don’t tell me that the left hasn’t changed. I mean, I’m old enough to remember when it was the conservatives who hated the Jews … that was a joke,” Maher responded.

Speaking on President Joe Biden’s administration, Co-host Joy Behar suggested that she was worried about criticizing the president because she feared she might cause she might drive support away from him.

“I’m nervous about saying anything against Biden because I feel as — you know, not that I have that much power, and you have some, more than I do, obviously —Are you afraid that you know, you might influence the people who are on the fence?” she asked.

Maher shot back, saying Behar would lose all her credibility if she refused to criticize the president when it was warranted.

“I think you lose all credibility,” Maher told Behar. “I do. My bond with my audience has always been I don’t pull a punch. My bond with my audience is you’re not going to like everything I say, but you know I’m saying what I really think is true.”

Maher criticized Joe Biden’s age, adding that the president is “Cadaver-like.”

“Look, Biden just presents as old,” Maher said. “It’s not really fair because he’s almost the same age. Trump is almost the same age as him. But Trump doesn’t present that way.” You look at somebody right away, you can kind of just sum them up. We are not young, but we don’t present as old. Biden does. I saw him yesterday making that speech, I mean, I’m sorry, he’s cadaver-like.”