A group of anti-Israel protesters interrupted the LGBTQ pride parade in Philadelphia on Sunday. Videos posted on X showed the pride marchers blocked off by the protesters chanting the anti-Israel slogan, “Palestine will live forever! From the sea to the river!”

Some protesters in the anti-Israel group held up a rainbow flag with the words “no pride in genocide” painted on it. Others wore Palestinian-style Kufiya scarves around their heads.

Another video posted on X shows how police eventually got involved, with officials attempting to move protesters while they shouted, “PPD, KKK, IRS, you’re all the same.”

According to Daily Caller, the protest against the pride march was organized by “Queers4Palestine,” a minority faction group that has been known to organize protests in support of Palestine since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel.

In a statement posted on Instagram, the group “Queers4Palestine” explained their motives for protesting, indicating that Pride cannot be separated from the current political and economic climate.

“Queers 4 Palestine Philly extends our solidarity to all those resisting colonial genocide around the world,” the statement reads. “From Palestine to Sudan to the DC to Ayiti, we call on queer people of conscience to ignite a global intifada against colonizers and capitalists who seek to use our identities, our beauty, our brilliance as justification for unimaginable violence. We reject all celebrations of Pride if they are not grounded in the struggle to end genocide.”

The New York Post reports that the Israel Day Parade also took place on the same day as the Pride Parade but in Manhattan.

The Israel Day parade featured marching bands and had in attendance Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) and Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY).

The parade focused on solidarity with Israel and featured family members of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. Marchers were seen holding up signs that read, “Bring Them Home Now.”

Since the Oct.7 attack on Israel by Hamas, tensions have risen in the Big Apple. The attack has led to massive violent protests and pro-Palestinian encampments on college campuses in the Big Apple and all over the nation.