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In a scathing critique of government spending, Sen. Rand Paul’s annual “Festivus Report” exposed over $1 trillion in questionable taxpayer expenditures, highlighting particularly unusual research projects and dubious grants awarded in 2024.

Among the most startling revelations was a Department of Health and Human Services study costing $419,470 that investigated cocaine-seeking behavior in lonely versus content rats. The research’s conclusions regarding the rodents’ cocaine preferences remained undisclosed in Paul’s findings.

Even more concerning was Cornell University’s receipt of $2.24 million in government funding since January 2022 for COVID-19 research involving cats. The experiments, funded by NIAID and USDA, resulted in the deliberate infection and subsequent euthanization of over thirty felines to study disease transmission.

The National Endowment for the Arts drew criticism for awarding $10,000 to the Bearded Ladies Cabaret, a queer performance group, for their climate change-themed ice skating production. The show, titled “Beards on Ice,” features performers portraying polar bears, drag queens, and a character called “Nonbinary Parental Guardian Nature.”

State Department spending included $3 million for climate action programs targeting girls in Brazil, while the federal government allocated $10 billion to maintain virtually empty buildings. Additionally, DHHS provided $5 million to research children’s responses to food-related Facebook advertisements.

Further NEA expenditures included $385,000 for High Line park art installations since 2015, with $40,000 designated for an upcoming 16-foot pigeon sculpture. The agency also spent $365,000 on nationwide sideshow performances, including a recent $30,000 grant for circus arts shows.

A particularly controversial expenditure was the $12 million Department of the Interior investment in a Las Vegas pickleball complex. Despite local homeowners’ opposition citing concerns about noise, traffic, and property values, the 30-court facility spans 5.4 acres.

Paul concluded by pledging to collaborate with Congress and the incoming Trump administration to address these spending issues, stating, “As always, taking the path to fiscal responsibility is often a lonely journey, but I’ve been fighting government waste like DOGE before DOGE was cool.” He reaffirmed his commitment to combating government waste throughout the holiday season.