Rep. Green SLAMS Biden
Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., lambasted President Joe Biden’s newest approach to immigration as a “slap” and not “following the rules.” Green spoke with EWTN News Nightly on Wednesday after the Biden administration proposed an executive order that would broaden amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants.
Green: Rep. Green has said that he opposes Biden’s immigration policy, saying it erodes the legal immigration system and encourages even more illegal immigration. “Not only is this policy a blatant violation of our immigration laws, but it is an insult to those who have followed the legal process to come to our country,” Green said. He pointed out that granting amnesty to illegal aliens would only make the current border crisis even worse.
Biden’s Policy: President Biden earlier proposed an executive action and path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. The administration says this is necessary to address humanitarian needs and properly bring these people into society. But critics such as Green call it flouting immigration laws, unfairly benefitting those who entered the country illegally.
Political NPN fumes: The proposed amnesty has fueled plenty of fury among lawmakers and the public. Proponents say it is a humane and sensible answer to an intractable problem, stabilizing families and communities. Critics, though, charge that doing so would create a dangerous precedent and not stem the tide of illegal border crossings.
Rule of Law: Green and others say the executive order sends a message that the president will reward illegal behavior. This policy may create an incentive for additional illegal crossings, as prospective migrants see hope in future amnesties available to them. “Rather than provide incentives for breaking our laws, we should be encouraging border security and the application of our laws uniformly and fairly,” Green said.
Community and Expert Voices: Immigration experts and leaders are split. Others of the same ilk as Green adhere to this point, insisting that it is necessary for a strong legal foundation in immigration. Critics say the existing situation is broken, and Biden’s approach is the initial step toward significant improvement in immigration policy.
In this particular case, regarding Biden’s immigration policy and how it is being debated, amnesty is controversial. Because the future of this policy and its consequences on U.S. immigration hang in the balance, there will likely be a lot more to come on both sides of this controversial issue. Representative Green’s strong condemnation also shows a glimpse of the ongoing struggle to balance compassion and rule in immigration reform.