Trump’s 2016 Campaign BACK AGAIN
Meet the Press: On Tuesday, Meet the Press host and NBC News chief political analyst Chuck Todd said that former President Trump might be a better candidate for 2024 now than for years past based on his apparent resurgence of the “magic” he had in 2016. This statement is backed by the facts as Trump has consistently been more popular with the African-American vote, as Biden’s consistently trailed behind.
Trump’s 2016 Campaign: The MSNBC host Katy Tur wrote Wednesday morning on MSNBC Reports that the former president has experienced defeat after defeat after leaving office, both for himself and for his party overall on the national level since Trump was elected in 2016. She also added that overall, experts are hopeful that Trump will be able to gain a “second wind,” especially in his current campaign.
Why should we trust that this time is unique, that at this very particular moment in time, President Biden and the Democrats are so much more vulnerable today than they were two years ago, four years ago, or six years ago?
Trump in Detroit:
At one point, Todd compared Trump’s recent appearances in Detroit, saying he was “oddly loose.” Noting his reactions and cadence was similar to the 2016 campaign.
It is hard to believe Trump will withdraw the case as he is scheduled to be sentenced in New York and Manhattan. “This entire run strikes less as anything about policy for him and more as ‘What they’re doing to me is the next thing they want to do to you.’ Your grievances are my grievances.” Tur said when talking about the past lawsuit.
In Short: It looks like Trump is gaining traction as The Left are clicking their heels, hoping for a change in the polls. It’s also been rumored that Biden is concerned about Black voters voting for Trump and has continuously leaned on Kamala Harris during his speeches to gain traction with African-Americans.