As former President Donald Trump continues to maintain the lead over President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election polls, most Americans say the former president is a strong leader.

Even as Trump faces felony counts in his hush money trial, Americans have continued to throw in their support.

With six months left until the 2024 presidential election, Trump is ahead of Biden with 48% in the national survey of registered voters.

In a YouGov/Economist poll recently published online, 58% of respondents describe the former president as a strong and decisive leader.

Compared to Biden’s rating, 64% say the president is a weak leader. Meanwhile, 45% regard him as “very weak.”

However, 36% of Americans believe Biden to be a strong leader, with just 14% categorizing him as very strong and 22% saying he is somewhat strong.

According to a New York Times from March, only one in four voters thinks the country is moving in the right direction. Meanwhile, more than twice as many voters believe Biden’s policies hurt them personally.

Looking back at Biden’s time in office so far, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, 61% say his presidency so far has been a failure, while 39% say it’s been a success. That’s an increase of four percentage points since March.

In the YouGov/Economist poll, 68% believe things are out of control under the Biden administration, while 16% think things are under control.

Also, in the poll, voters pointed out inflation and prices as the major issues of Biden’s administration.

Biden has an approval rating of just 29% regarding his handling of inflation. At the same time, 61 % are disappointed with how he has approached the problem.

In another poll, Trump leads Biden in North Carolina, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania. These states, with their combined 93 electoral votes, will likely determine the outcome of the 2024 election.