A once fearless and loud-mouthed pro-Palestine protester turned into a whimpering baby during a court appearance following her arrest for hate crimes.

According to the Daily Mail, authorities arrested Riddhi Patel, 28, after she threatened to murder Bakersfield council members, including Mayor Karen Goh (R), during a Wednesday council meeting.

During the meeting, Patel accused council members of not supporting a cease-fire resolution against Israel as the Jewish nation battles Hamas in Gaza.

“I don’t have faith that you’ll do this. You guys are all horrible human beings and Jesus probably would have killed you himself,” Patel said while standing at the podium. And none of you care because you guys don’t care about anything happening in Palestine or any other country where oppression occurs… I hope that someday someone brings a guillotine and kill of you (expletives).”

Patel then came to the podium to speak a second time. During her second speech, she accused the city of installing heavier security at the government building due to ongoing anti-Israel protests before going on her unhinged rant that led to the chilling threat.

“You guys wanna criminalize us ( Gaza protesters) with metal detectors? We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you,” Patel said before walking off the podium.

Police officers present at the meeting immediately escorted Patel out of the venue and arrested her.

Patel, who appeared bold and fearless during the city council meeting, lost her bravery as footage showed her crying and whimpering during her first appearance before the court. Patel, who had already spent two days in jail prior to her court appearance, could be seen sobbing and sniveling.

Reports showed that prosecutors charged Pate with 18 felony counts, including terror charges. A judge ordered her back to jail after setting her bond at $2 million.

According to Breitbart News, Patel —an Indian-American— pleaded not guilty to all 18 charges. The Gaza activist is the economic development coordinator for the Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment.