House Republicans are planning to reward President Donald Trump for his loyal service to the nation, according to reports on The Daily Wire.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-LA) is leading a charge to bestow the Congressional Gold Medal on the former president. Luna, citing Trump’s “exceptional leadership and dedication to strengthening America’s diplomatic relations during his presidency,” said she is introducing a bill to bestow Congress’ highest civilian award on the former president because it was time he got the recognition for putting the country first.

“President Trump’s fearless leadership reestablished America as a respected and admired global power,” Luna said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “It is time we recognize a president who put our country first and secured global peace through bold diplomacy. Despite the liberal media’s attempts to spread fear, America and the world were undoubtedly safer under President Donald Trump. One of our duties in Congress is to honor those who have contributed significantly to our nation, and that’s why I’m introducing this legislation.”

Luna’s bill gained support from six fellow House Republicans, including House GOP Deputy Whip Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R- PA) and Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Andy Ogles (R-TN) Randy Weber (R-TX) and Mike Waltz (R-FL).

In a surprising turn of events, reports revealed that House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) is one of the bill’s co-sponsors.

“President Trump did more in four years on behalf of the American people than any president in my lifetime. He secured our border, achieved historic peace in the Middle East, and implemented policies that helped our economy prosper,” said Good. “The last three years of a failed Biden administration have only served as a stark contrast to President Trump’s record.”

Good had endorsed Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis during last year’s Republican presidential primary.

Good’s endorsement of DeSantis created tension between him and some members of Trump’s inner circle. The Virginia lawmaker has, however, thrown his support behind Trump since it became clear the former president will be the Republican flag bearer for 2024.

While the bill is expected to pass the GOP-controlled House, It is highly unlikely that the Democrat-controlled Senate will take the bill up.