President Joe Biden’s impeachment witness and former Hunter Biden associate,Tony Bobulinski, filed a defamation lawsuit against Fox News’ The Five show co-host Jessica Tarlov Thursday.

Following Bobulinski’s testimony before lawmakers earlier this month, Tarlov claimed that Bobulinski’s lawyers’ fees were paid by a Super Pac affiliated with former President Donald Trump.

“Ok, Tony Bobulinski’s lawyers’ fees have been paid by a Trump Super PAC. That’s as recent as January,” Tarlov said.

Tarlov, however, walked back the claim the next day, saying she actually meant to say a Trump PAC paid the law firm representing Mr. Bobulinski.

Tarlov’s retraction did not satisfy Bobulinski, who wanted an apology.

“We demand a complete retraction and apology by Ms. Tarlov AT THE TOP OF TODAY’S SHOW while showing this photograph in which Ms. Tarlov clearly states that she explicitly ‘apologizes to Tony Bobulinski and Stefan Passantino for making a false claim on the air which harmed their reputations,’” Bobulinski’s legal team wrote in a March 22 letter to Fox News.

Bobulinski has now filed a lawsuit against Tarlov after she refused to meet his demands. Bubulinski released a statement to the Daily Caller noting that he filed the lawsuit for the truth.

“Today I filed a lawsuit against Ms. Jessica Tarlov of Fox News for defamation,” Bobulinski said in the statement. “Although I am seeking compensatory, special, and punitive damages from her for the damage her public remarks inflicted on my personal and professional reputation, this is not about money. This is about the truth, for which I have been fighting for four years. It is important for media personalities like Ms. Tarlov to understand that lies have consequences.”

Bubulinski said he would donate the proceeds from the lawsuit to a children’s hospital and to support military Veterans.

Fox News, in a statement to the Daily Caller, said it stands by its decision to issue any further corrections.

“Jessica Tarlov’s March 21st statements were accurate and made clear that she was not aware of anything to indicate that payments from a Trump PAC to Elections, LLC were made in connection with Tony Bobulinski’s legal fees,” said Fox News spokesperson in response to the defamation suit. “We stand by our decision to not issue any further corrections and will vigorously defend against these inaccurate claims.”