President Joe Biden forced the White House into a massive clean-up after he made multiple errors and gaffes in one speech.

Biden on Sunday attended an event hosted by the Detroit branch of The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), where he received a lifetime achievement award. The official transcript of the president’s speech showed that he made nine gaffes, forcing the White House to cross out nine words where Biden made either factual and pronunciation errors.

One of Biden’s gaffes saw him tell a story of how former President Barack Obama sent him to Detroit when he was Obama’s vice president. Biden completely missed the timeline by more than ten years. Biden claimed Obama had sent him there during the “pandemic” era. The White House changed the “pandemic” to “recession” in the official transcript.

Another gaffe saw Biden call January 6 protesters “irrectionists” instead of the insurrectionists he wanted to say.

“He (former President Donald Trump) calls the insurrectionists who stormed Capitol Hill’ patriots,” Biden declared. “He says if elected, he wants, quote, ‘every’ one of them pardoned.”

Biden, while responding to Trump’s bloodbath comment, which was taken out of context, claimed the former president said there would be “bloodshed” if he lost the November election. The White House later corrected the bloodshed to bloodbath.

The president also referred to NAACP as NAAC and said $8,000 instead of $800. At one point, Biden said “inspiresing” instead of inspiring.

Biden said he was humbled to receive the “organization,” instead of the award.

Biden’s gaffe-filled speech will add fire to the fuel that is already burning about his declining mental faculty.

In his bid to bash Trump, the gaffe-prone president spoke of the former president’s pride regarding “love letters from South Korean president Kim Jong Un.” Kim Jong Un is, however, not the president of South Korea. Kim is the infamous North Korea dictator.

On Monday, Biden told a conference that a US citizen still being held by Hamas was at the White House.