Judge Juan Merchan showed actual bias against former President Donald Trump when he ruled in favor of the prosecutors during Monday’s testimony.

Following Michael Cohen’s bombshell revelation on Monday, where he admitted he had stolen from the Trump Organization, the former president began calling their witness to the stand. Cohen’s former legal adviser, Bob Costello, became the defense’s first witness on the stand.

It soon turned ugly when prosecutors began objecting to every question Trump lawyer Emile Bove asked Costello. Merchan went along with the prosecutors and sustained every objection.

According to the Daily Mail, there would be objections before Bove had even managed to finish her question. Yet the judge went along with the objections, causing Costello to get exasperated and say, “jeez.”

“Sorry?…Sorry?…What did you say?” Merchan said to Costello, who refused to answer the judge and looked away, appearing to mumble something inaudible.

At one point, Costello told jurors “strike it” after yet another sustained objection from the prosecutors. Costello’s words infuriated Merchan, who turned to address the witness.

“I want to discuss proper decorum in my courtroom. If you don’t like my ruling, you don’t say ‘Jeez.’ You don’t give me side eye, and you don’t roll your eyes, Mechan said. “You don’t say ‘strike it’ because I’m the only one who can strike testimony in my court.”

Costello didn’t say a word in response. He, however, looked back at the judge, who then went into full rage mode.

‘Are you staring me down right now?’ Mechan asked before asking court officers to clear the room.

Sir, your conduct is contemptuous right now. I’m putting you on notice that your conduct is contemptuous,” Merchan said to Costello after the courtroom was emptied. “If you try to stare me down one more time, I will remove you from the stand.”

Costello had previously testified before Congress that Cohen told him that he had nothing incriminating against Donald Trump. Costello, who was advising Cohen during his federal prosecution in 2018, said he told Cohen that the DOJ did not want him and that they wanted Trump, who was president at the time. Cohen insisted that he had nothing against the then-president, adding that he would do anything to stay out of jail.